Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Earths Natural Energy Sources Essay - 1470 Words

INTRODUCTION Renewable energy is energy produced from natural resources such as, wind, sunlight, rain, tides and geothermal heat which can be re-used or replenished. Natural energies (renewable energies) have its advantages and disadvantages. The reliance on fossil fuel is reduced by the sources of renewable energy. Though the use of natural sources has many advantages over the use of fossil fuels, the cost of investment for it can be too high for some people. In this project, I will be highlighting mainly on the sources of natural energy and its advantages and disadvantages. EXAMPLES OF NATURAL ENERGY SOURCES WIND It is said that anything that has movement has kinetic energy, in which case wind is definitely going to be considered as†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, wind turbines takes op less space than power stations. DISADVANTAGES OF WIND ENERGY If we need to produce large amount of electricity, we need to have loads of wind turbines. However, some people reckon wind turbines to be something that spoil the countryside. HYDROPOWER The word, ‘hydropower’ itself describes that it’s something to deal with water. The utilizing of energy in water is known as hydropower (also sometimes called as hydraulic power). It is conceivable to collect the energy in moving water and convert it to useful power. The fact that water is 800 times denser than air enables to get a significant amount of energy harvest even from a slow flowing stream of water, or moderate sea swell. One of the oldest examples of the use hydropower is watermill. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF HYDROPOWER Firstly, this is a cheaper way of generating electricity as water used is free. No green house gas is being produced while the electricity is generated. However, the cost to build dams is high. Moreover, by building a dam, the nearby area has to be flooded and this could affect nearby wildlife and plants. SOLAR ENERGY Solar energy is the energy provided from the sun. Though the other forms of renewable energy, such as, wind, hydropower or biomass is thought of as separate forms of energy, they can actually be drawn back to solar energy. Solar energy can also be referred as thermal energy as it provides heat. We can use solarShow MoreRelatedThe Hidden Treasure Of Wind Energy1453 Words   |  6 Pagesof Wind Energy During the course of history, this country has been seeking new forms of energy that will provide clean energy and also preserve Earth’s lifespan. The use of renewable and non-renewable resources has been a major controversy throughout history. Renewable energy such as wind power has been a main focus of this issue. 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